Ansible Automation Platform
Ansible Content Lab for Cloud Automation
A program from Ansible to bring cloud content to life
What is Incubated Content?
As part of the Ansible Content Lab, cloud automation content will be incubated and potentially mature info formalized content. Use cases accepted to the lab will undergo the incubation process where the content will be developed and nurtured in an open-source process. The result of incubation will be cloud automation content that delivers value to users. The content may continue the journey to becoming formalized content.
Why Participate?
Deliver Value to Cloud Automation
Help develop bespoke cloud automation content that delivers meaningful value for cloud automation use cases.
Earn Cloud Automation Merchandise
Participants will be eligible to receive Ansible cloud automation merchandise if their use cases are accepted to the lab.
Create Solutions to Your Problems
Help automate your cloud use case to solve the problem others are likely encountering.
Use Cases In Incubation
AWS Deployment Roles
The Ansible team is developing turn-key content for AWS such as network peering examples with DMZ and private networks.
Azure Deployment Roles
The Ansible team is developing turn-key content for Azure such as transit networking on Ansible on Cloud configuration.
Ansible Configuration as Code
The Ansible team is developing examples for configuration Ansible Automation Controller as code to make the setup of AAP quicker, to have backups of configuration, and for quick migration between AAP deployments.